use this template if you are unsure on how to label your file:

using imdb and Gspot replace the *examples* with your file's specs

   *directors name* - *title* (*alternative title*) (*year*)

   File Size (in bytes) ..: *734,078,976*
   Runtime (# of frames) .: *1:27:17* (*130929* frames)

   Video Codec ...........: *DivX 5.0*
   Frame Size ............: *384x288*
   FPS ...................: *25*
   Video Bitrate .........: *988* kb/s
   Bits per Pixel ........: *0.357* bpp
   B-VOP, N-VOP, QPel, GMC ......: [*B-VOP*]...[*N-VOP*]...[**]...[**]

   Audio Codec ...........: *0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3*
   Sample Rate ...........: *48000* Hz
   Audio bitrate .........: *128* kb/s [*2* channel(s)] *CBR* audio
   Interleave ............: *80* ms
   No. of audio streams ..: *1*